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This is a DRIVE THRU trunk or treat! No need to park or get out of your vehicle for any reason!
Children can NOT ride their bikes thru! Please do NOT send your child down to the School by themselves for this event! This is a drive thru ONLY!! (We must ensure social distancing for this event!) REMAIN IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be a fundraiser for STR Baseball!
We are asking for a small donation upon entering! We suggest $5.00 (per car/not person)
We are not requiring any amount of money to enter but please keep in mind we are making this event possible to raise money for our league!
You will enter the parking lot and treats will be to your right! (Have your children on the passenger side of your vehicle) you may stop at each vehicle to receive your TREAT! (Or maybe a trick! 😂) Once you stop at all vehicles you will exit past the gym doors! The cars with treats will be lined up in a circle ⭕️ so all you will have to do is drive around our circle and collect treats for the children!! (I will also personally have dog treats for the puppy in your life)
This is for FUN for the children and a Fundraiser for our league! Please come out and support!
We love to make sure the children have a great time!!!! Each child in your vehicle will receive a treat from each vehicle!
Safe And FUN trunk or treat!!!!
Our Rain Date Will Be Announced!
****We are also looking for individuals to set up vehicles to hand out hand candy!!****