MasterChef Junior, based on the FOX television show MasterChef, features a cooking competition talented young home cooks aged 8 - 13. The hit show includes inspirational stories about the contestants, challenging tasks in the kitchens and of course the famous Mystery Box Challenge. |
On Sunday, March 8th, 2020 at 7pm, State Theatre New Jersey, in New Brunswick, will host MasterChef Junior Live! This live show brings MasterChef Junior directly to fans and foodies alike, live on stage. This family-friendly show will feature head-to-head cooking demonstrations and fun (sometimes messy!) challenges with past MasterChef Junior contestants. This show's contestants include Che (Season Seven Winner), Malia (Season Seven Finalist), Matthew (Season Seven) and Avery (Season Six).MasterChef Junior Live! is a family-friendly immersive audience experience that is fun for all ages.
A limited number of VIP packages will be available and will include a premium seat, cast meet and greet, Q&A sessions, a signed show poster, photos and more. Tickets range from $29-$129.
For tickets, more information, or group discounts, call State Theatre Guest Services at 732-246-SHOW (7469) or visit us online at State Theatre Guest Services, located at 15 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick NJ, is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm; Saturday from 1pm to 5pm; and at least three hours prior to curtain on performance dates unless otherwise specified. Additional ticket and transaction fees may apply.
About State Theatre New Jersey
The theater exists to enrich people’s lives, contribute to a vital urban environment, and build futureaudiences by presenting the finest performing artists and entertainers and fostering lifetime appreciation for the performing arts through arts education. State Theatre New Jersey’s programsare made possible by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. Grant funding has been provided by the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders through a grant award from the Middlesex County Cultural and Arts Trust Fund. United is the official airline of the State Theatre.