
2019 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Lice Lifters

Enter here to win a $50 Gift Certificate

By Toms River Macaroni Kid November 20, 2019

Enter here for a chance to win this giveaway from Lice Lifters: $50 Gift Certificate

No one wants to need Lice Lifters, but if you do, you definitely want to use these professionals. Through the Lice Lifters© Process, their customers see 99.9% success rates removing and treating lice in one treatment. No over the counter lice treatment will work as effective as professional lice treatment.

In fact, Over The Counter Lice Treatments are not effective in permanently killing or stopping lice outbreaks. You’ll pay over and over again to treat and still have lice, costing more time and causing more frustration.  Whether you live in Monmouth or Ocean County, our Lice Lifters of Toms River location will get your scalp lice-free!

1/2 price head checks for anyone that mentions Toms River Macaroni Kid

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Click for official RULES *Winner must live within 20 miles of Toms River, 08753.

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